Oil Pollution Prevention & Control (OPPC)
- produced water, reinjection, well completion and clean up analysis.
Offshore Chemicals Regulations (OCR)
- chemical concentrations for dumping, checking chemicals added for
reinjection and for improving recoveries from old wells.
Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (OPEP)
- fingerprint for spills, oil spills analysis, oil spill dispersants efficiency testing.
International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and
Co-operation (OPRC)
- merchant shipping convention regulations 1998.
Cuttings and reclaimed drilling oils.
Calibration and Correlation
– calibration of offshore oil analysers, correlation of oil methods to OSPAR
ISO 9377-2 reference method.
Produced water analysis.
Unknown organic compounds identified in fluids and deposits.
New chemical trials.
Decommissioning of installations, pipelines, drill cutting piles.